
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Me = Fail

Wow.  I am sorry.  2 Months since my last post.  And this one isn't even going to be a good one to make up for it.

All in all, I think it is safe to say I have failed.  And I would like to put the blame of the fail to school.  Well, at least some of it.  I give up on life when I'm in school.

I don't take pictures anymore, I don't quilt,

I don't have a social life.

I just give up.  Well.  Mostly.  There is also the very undeniable fact that I am extremely lazy, and when I get my "free moments", I choose to play angry birds instead of being productive.

But now that school is over, I will hopefully WILL get off my lazy behind and get back to doing this, at least weekly, as well as my other hobbies. 

See you all next!

Thanks to all for the emails and comments I've been getting asking for me to come back.  It actually means a lot! You guys are the best!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What the What??!?

Oh!  Hello!  It's been...a while.  Yea sorry about that. 

I think I legitimately broke my brain this past week with school and work.  I've kept on meaning to put a new post up but I've become a lazy "no brain working" zombie.  I couldn't remember any good stories from my childhood to share, and my week was exceptionally boring.  I even tried going through my idea note book, and things I once thought would be funny/interesting/something that wouldn't get rotten fruit chucked at me have all turned into boring/super boring/probably rotten fruit worthy things.

I tried drawing a picture to see if that would help my writers block funk.  And.....well, just look.

So this is going to be a ridiculously short post.  BUT!  Next one WILL be up soon and and be way better and longer and not drawn by a 3 year old me. 

Please don't leave me.....