
Sunday, January 30, 2011

I Procrastinate

I have a problem.  I am addicted to procrastinating.  Hard core.

It's been this way as long as I can remember.  For homework, work work, or even for stuff that I like to do, I always put it off till the last possible second. 

For example, I have in my note book 5 blogs that I am currently working on.  The oldest one is one I started at the beginning of this month that was actually to be my first blog.  But for some reason, I haven't finished it yet.  I like having some pictures in my posts to "spruce up the place", so I will set aside time to draw.  At first, I make a decent attempt at it but then something shiny flashes and I'm off on a random tangent and I either end up watching YouTube for 6 hours in a row or I draw something completely unrelated to the post.

Here, the picture I was intending to draw was one of a crowded hallway, and it morphed into a spider wearing yellow boots and dancing on a stage.  I can clearly see the correlation between the two. 

I don't think I procrastinate solely on the fact that I'm completely lazy.  I have the worst memory in the world.  At school, we would be assigned something so simple like "read a poem and write your feelings about it" and I would be all geared up to do it when I get home.  As soon as I'm home, I'm reminded of something else I forgot to do so I go off and do that and forget entirely about the homework.  I'll have finished my earlier task, and feel super proud of myself for remembering to do it before it became a bigger task and then draw a blank on what to do next.  I'll usually end up checking my email, draw a completely random picture, go onto YouTube, eat, YouTube again, take the puppy out for a walk, quilt (yes, I do that!), movie, maybe for a change of pace a little more YouTube and then go to bed. 

For some reason, I remember everything I was suppose to do that day but forgot the moment I am almost about to fall asleep.  I then lie there wondering if I should get up and do my homework, but realize that it is now 1 am, and then make plans to do them first thing after work the next day. 
And then I wake up forgetting the plans I just made the night before. 

It's not until the night before or even in the morning that something has to be done that I remember that I haven't done it yet.  And then it's a mad dash to do what I need to.  I must be addicted to the adrenalin rush or something because I never learn.

I need to go buy post it reminder notes..


  1. This is not your candyJanuary 30, 2011 at 10:10 PM

    LOL. You're funny! I procrastinate as well... but usually I stress over it... forget... STRESS!... forget... OMG STRESS! do part... forget... DUE TOMORROW! OH NO! STRESS & DO!!!!!!!!!!! :(

    Hilar. Still needs more pictures... but AWESOME!

  2. When I procrastinate, it's usually because by the time I get home I'm too exhausted to do anything but nap or watch tv.

    So, I have a calendar with all my due dates written on it. Then, a month in advance, I start writing "Work on project A" throughout a week. That way, I'll procrastinate but I'll still get that stress-push to get everything done ahead of time.

    Maybe I'm too organized, and this is just me organizing my procrastination...
