
Thursday, January 13, 2011

New blog. WOAH!!

Oh hey!  Welcome to my blog! ......Yea.  Pretty sure the world needed another person to blog about their day and life stories.  Makes sense, right?

I've thought about making a blog for a while now, even though I may or may not used to make fun of those who did.  Oops?  The turning point might have been the fact that I like to talk a lot, and this is just another outlet for me to say more stuff. Say more stuff?  And apparently do it without a thought towards grammar. Score!

Writing this first post has already taught me a few things about blog posting.

   1) Have an idea.  And in my case, jot it down  I tend to forget things easily.  Very easily.  Like to the point where I had an awesome idea for my first post, sat down, turned on the iTunes for some tunes, and literally forgot everything I was going to write.

   2) Pee first.  This may sound like a no brain-er, but it's a step all beginners need to be aware of.  OR, again, this is just something I need to be aware of (....I'm sensing a pattern already).

   3) Eliminate ALL distractions.  I started this post at 10:13 pm. It is now 11:24 pm.  And it`s not even a long blog.  Perhaps I should have turned off the YouTube.

Welp. I think thats it....I promise to plan my next one out a bit better.

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