
Friday, January 14, 2011

Blue Moment

I've decided that I need to clarify my blogs name.  The name comes from an inside joke between Sister and I.  Sister will forever be named Sister, saying as she's still a minor in....all countries.  And I sort of like her.  So I'll try to at least protect her identity whilst I throw mine to the way side.  Anyways.  Sister and I have many inside jokes that we're pretty sure makes the rest of the family pretty darn jealous.  As they should be.  Cause we're awesome.

Because every bird must leave the family nest at some point in their lives, I moved out of my childhood home.  Out of my parents house of over 16 years.  And right into..... my grandparents basement!  Not even 15 minutes from my old room.  Now, before you start judging me and thinking I'm a lazy mooch (half true), family health issues and moral responsibility is what swayed me to move in with the grand rentals.  That, and I get a queen sized bed!  And pretty much the whole basement to my self.  It's a pretty sweet set up.

One evening, Sister came over to "my house" to spend the night.  I can't recall why exactly she came over, I probably bribed her, it happens.  We did the usual pre-bed routine and stuff.  Now, because I'm "always plugged in" according to my parents, I have this thing were I need to fall sleep with some sort of background noise going on, be it a TV show, movie, music or what have you.  That night, Sister and I had agreed that Finding Nemo would be the noise of choice.  Also, I HAVE to play a game on my iPod before I fall asleep.  I can not possibly give my brain a rest before forcing it to shut down for a few hours.  So there we were, lying in bed with me playing minesweeper and Sister reading a book (this kid reads a TON of books. Not even joking), and Finding Nemo playing on the TV.  We were just at the part were Nemo's dad's fishy wife, or Nemo's mom, or even more simpler, Coral, was being eaten by the big scary fish.  Not even thinking, or realizing that I was doing it, I just started chanting "RAWR! I'm a scary fish!" over and over in an old crotchety mans voice. 

I kept on saying this for 5 minutes according to Sister before I got that funny feeling of being watched and judged at the same time.  You know the feeling.  I paused my game and looked over to see Sister looking at me in utter bewilderment, and yet, not surprised.  Being forced to live with me has numbed her to any surprises.  Which kind of sucks.

It took me a while to realize why she was staring at me, and once it clicked in my head, I burst out laughing only to pause to repeat my chant in an even worse old crotchety mans voice.  Sister just sighed, turned back to her book and muttered, "blue moment".  This was a strange thing to say, even for this scenario. I stopped my hyena cackle and asked if I had heard her right.  She confirmed that she did indeed say blue moment.  The look on my face must have scream "duuuurrr" cause Sister started to laugh at me.  She explained that in this book she was reading, the characters see emotions and feelings in colour.  So apparently awkward was to be translated as blue. 

I don't remember much afterwards besides assigning other colours to other situations and emotions. I remember protesting blue to being assigned to awkward cause I like blue and blue should be paired with something awesome and the green should be stuck with awkward.  Sister pointed out to me that I liked green also, and that by my logic green shouldn't be paired with awkward either. She also pointed out the we put red with love because it was a typical correlation, and that the other colours shouldn't be typical in their assignments. Touché Sister, touché.

So that's how an awkward situation turned into a blue moment....What a horrible way to end a story.

This is a blue ending...

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