Oh! Hello! It's been...a while. Yea sorry about that.
I think I legitimately broke my brain this past week with school and work. I've kept on meaning to put a new post up but I've become a lazy "no brain working" zombie. I couldn't remember any good stories from my childhood to share, and my week was exceptionally boring. I even tried going through my idea note book, and things I once thought would be funny/interesting/something that wouldn't get rotten fruit chucked at me have all turned into boring/super boring/probably rotten fruit worthy things.
I tried drawing a picture to see if that would help my writers block funk. And.....well, just look.
So this is going to be a ridiculously short post. BUT! Next one WILL be up soon and and be way better and longer and not drawn by a 3 year old me.
Please don't leave me.....